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3 Exit Strategies
Apply short- and long-term plus seasonal exit strategies to your existing investment plan to minimize the losses of bears and enjoy the run of the bull.
Online Portfolio Toolkit + 7 Models
Generate algorithmically back-tested performance sheets of 7 hand-picked Model Portfolios and overlay the exit strategies to see how they signal.
DELTA-V Indicator Charts
Get visuals on how the market moves between Bull and Bear trends and where our indicators signal a move.
Weekly Mission Newsletter
Download our weekly curated market overview for you to use with your clients.
Asset Class Ranking Report
Using momentum & relative strength we rank a mix of 25 ETFs across major asset classes against the market of the Russell 3000 index.
For up to 3Â users
* users must be at the same firm / email address
2 months free when paid annually at $4,950
Plan options after trial expires.
For up to 3 users
Includes a 30-day money back guarantee.
No questions asked.
For up to 3 users.
Includes a 2-month discount.
For up to 3 users
Includes a 30-day money back guarantee.
No questions asked.
For up to 3 users.
Includes a 2-month discount.
Includes up to 10 users.
Signing up for this SLS subscription account means you agree to the Sherman Portfolios Terms & Conditions.
Includes a 2-month discount and up to 10 users.
Signing up for this SLS subscription account means you agree to the Sherman Portfolios Terms & Conditions.
Expanded Portfolio Toolkit Access
As a portfolio manager user, you'll have the ability to create custom models using your own symbols, download trade positions, and overlay each exit strategy plus all 50+ SPL portfolios.
Additional Exit Strategies
Access all 6 exit strategies covering short-, medium-, long-term and seasonal monitors to know exactly when to be in or out of the market - all in your Portfolio Toolkit.
Additional Model Portfolios
Open up the whole catalog of Sherman Portfolio's model portfolios built on patented research and using all 6 of our proprietary exit strategies - all in your Portfolio Toolkit.
Global ETF Ranking Report
Using momentum & relative strength we rank a mix of 25 ETFs across major asset classes against the market of the Russell 3000 index.
Constellation Builder
Build, edit, and manage 401Ks, SMAs, annuities, HSAs, and other custom listed funds. With almost 70,000 ticker symbols, you can generate hundreds of constellation reports.
Monthly Breakaway Stock List
Get our top 50 ranking individual stocks from both the S&P 500 and Russell 1000 indexes, ranked using our patended methodology.
For up to 3 users
* users must be at the same firm / email address
2 months free when paid annually at $6,950
Space for the entire firm.
We tailor access and tools for large RIAs, hedge-funds, and market-makers. Get in touch and let's see how best we can serve you.
For expanded access